

This congress is an official meeting of the different topics covered by the research activities of our laboratory — The Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Chemistry (LPCT) —, i.e., the study of inert and living matter with theory, modelling, and simulation. Like our laboratory, this meeting will bring specialists working on multiple branches that characterize the activities of the LPCT, rather than being a juxtaposition of disjoint topical sessions.

The event — i.e., the conferences, meals, and rooms — will be held at the Abbaye des Prémontrés (9, rue Saint-Martin à 54700 Pont-à-Mousson). The town of Pont-à-Mousson has a national railway station that is at 15 minutes by train from Nancy — the Nancy station can be reached in 1h30 of train from Paris — and at 1h30 by train from Luxembourg. The three airports nearby are the Luxembourg airport, the Bâle-Mulhouse airport, and the Lorraine airport (between Nancy and Metz).

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